Vivaldi composer
Vivaldi composer

vivaldi composer vivaldi composer

Boys were taught useful trades and were required to leave at the age of 15. Several of these orphanages existed in Venice and were designed to give shelter and education to abandoned and orphaned children throughout the city. In September 1703, Vivaldi became maestro di violino (master of violin) at the Pio Ospedale della Pietà (Devout Hospital of Mercy), an orphanage in Venice. He soon acquired the nickname of il Prete Rosso, "The Red Priest," because of his red hair. In 1693, Vivaldi began studying to be a priest and was ordained in 1703. Mark's Basilica, Giovanni Legrenzi, likely gave Vivaldi his first composition lessons. The president of the Sovvegno and maestro di capella at St. Furthermore, his father helped found the Sovvegno dei musicisti di Santa Cecilia, an association of musicians. His father, originally a barber, became a professional violinist and, after teaching Antonio to play the instrument as well, toured Venice performing with his son. Born on Main Venice, Antonio Vivaldi received musical instruction from an early age.

Vivaldi composer